Quesnel's Sockeye run
Stellako's Sockeye run
Raft River's Sockeye run
Chilko River's Sockeye run
Stuart River's Late Sockeye run
26,350 Prediction method
Submitted on Dec 30, 2023
Just in season estimates plus catch
The ‘model’ used was simply the sum of in-season returns plus catch, with some assumptions made (based on recent historical proportions) about how to allocate returns and catch among the 5 different runs. The in-season catch data are incomplete, so run size was increased assuming Alaska fisheries account for 3% of the final run size. This approach is not very sophisticated, but it attempts to make use of the most proximal measurements.
Supporting Documents
No documents submitted
Prediction Model
Submitted on Dec 30, 2023
This and the previous box appear to be limited to 500 characters, not 500 words, so see attachment for a description. Also, since I can't seem to upload xlsx files, I have uploaded pdfs of the spreadsheet, with and without formulas displayed.